Vision Therapy
We are the only providers in Linn, Benton and Lane counties specializing in vision therapy, sports vision and neuro-optometry (vision rehabilitation). Therapy treatments are done at our second clinic, The Oregon Vision Development Center, with locations in Albany and Eugene.
Even if you aren't sure if this is a service that you need, the first step is to schedule an evaluation at River View. During this appointment, we will address your concerns and help you determine what is best for your eye health and vision needs.
Optometric Vision Therapy is:
A progressive program of vision procedures
Performed under doctor supervision
Individualized to fit the visual needs of each patient
Generally conducted in-office, in once or twice weekly sessions of 30 minutes to an hour
Occasionally supplemented with procedures done at home between office visits
Depending on the case, the procedures are prescribed to:
Help patients develop or improve fundamental visual skills and abilities
Improve visual comfort, ease, and efficiency
Change how a patient processes or interprets visual information
Optometric Vision Therapy Is Not Just Eye Exercises.
Unlike other forms of exercise, the goal of Optometric Vision Therapy is not to strengthen eye muscles. Your eye muscles are already incredibly strong. Optometric Vision Therapy should not be confused with any self-directed program of eye exercises which is or has been marketed to the public. Optometric vision therapy is supported by ongoing evidence-based scientific research. Click here to read the latest research published on optometric vision therapy.
Optometric Vision Therapy is supervised by vision care professionals and many types of specialized and/or medical equipment can be used in Optometric Vision Therapy programs, such as:
Therapeutic lenses
Occluders or patches
Electronic targets with timing mechanisms
Balance boards
The first step in any Optometric Vision Therapy program is a comprehensive vision exam.
All information from; reprinted with permission.